Saturday, November 27, 2010

White Stuff Under Tounge

But I am defending the cross

up to me, the crucifix hangs in schools. And not for the painful reasons camped by politicians and trombones on the right, center, left and even the Vatican. Indeed, if it was for them, the leverei too.

It's funny, when Felt, sesquipedalian with ignorance, accused the judges in Strasbourg to "fight the crucifix rather than addressing the fight against drugs and immigration wild "does not know that the Court can only deal with appeals of states and citizens for alleged violations of the Convention on Human Rights. A lamentable Bersani speaks of "harmless symbol", as if to say: it is a statue that does not hurt anyone, let it hang there, look elsewhere. It disgusted Berlusconi, the Pope yesterday that Mason pimp "Catholic roots." Suck the League that every other day wield the sword of the Crusades and then dedicate themselves to the pagan rituals of the God Po and weddings with Celtic hymns to Odin. It is a pity that the so-called minister Gelmini defends "the symbol of our tradition" against the "ideological parents' and the "European Court of ideological" Dragging in "the Constitution recognizes that particular value to the Catholic religion." The stories right: the Constitution does not say anything at the crucifix, which is not covered by any law, but only by the ministerial regulation on "school furniture".

As in the case of chairs, desks, blackboards, chalk, erasers and brooms. If we are to defend the crucifix as "furniture" might as well remove it immediately. Jesus on the cross is not even a symbol of a "tradition" (as Santa Klaus or the Halloween pumpkin), or the supposed "Jewish-Christian civilization" (sly trinket of Pera, of Ferrara ateoclericali and others who then do not say a word about racial laws against Roma children and the rejected refugees on the high seas).
Jesus Christ is a historical fact and a real person, dead killed after unspeakable torture, while being able to easily save a few words with unambiguous, easy-going, newspeak, Paraculo. It is, for two thousand years, a "scandal" is for those who believe in the resurrection, both for those who stop at the historic fact of the crucifixion. The living image of liberty and humanity, of suffering and hope, of unarmed resistance to injustice, but most of secularism ("Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God") and free ("Father, forgive them for they know not what they do ").

Free: the most shocking word for these times dominated by the interests, where everything is for sale and too many are auctioned. Jesus Christ is recognized not only by Christians but by Jews and Muslims, as a great prophet. In fact it was more pagan ideology of history, Nazism - the recalled Anthony Socci - to wage war on the crucifixes. It is significant that today no politician nor the Church be able to find the right words to tell about it.
Yet just borrow the language of the family by Natalia Ginzburg, a Jewish and an atheist, in the eighties he wrote: "The Crucified not generate any discrimination. Silent. It is the image of the Christian revolution, which has spread to the world the idea of \u200b\u200bequality between men so far away ... Why should they feel offended the Jewish schoolchildren? Was not Christ a jew persecuted and died in martyrdom as a million Jews in concentration camps? Nobody before him had ever said that all men are equal and brothers. "

seems to me that a good children, boys, we know this from school. It would be enough to tell so many ignorant parents, teachers, boys and anyone - atheist, Christian, Muslim, jew, buddhist that is - would feel the least offended by the crucifix. But the exit of the European verdict, no man of the Church was able to do so. Perhaps the hierarchy is too busy doing commercials for 8 per thousand, to beat cash for private schools and tax exemptions, to fight Dan Brown and Halloween, and there is no time for that man on the cross. Indeed, the very words are missing. Today the worst enemies of the crucifix is \u200b\u200bjust the clerics. And the clerics.

The Fact Daily, 38 - November 5, 2009
Marco Travaglio, Italian journalist


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