Saturday, November 20, 2010

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immortality when your glory appears

made all our desires, that eternal life, faith will cease. Will be free of faith throughout that series of truths which in the Creed ends with the words "eternal life. Amen.

The first thing that takes place in the eternal life of man is union with God

God himself, in fact, is the prize and end of all our labors: "I am your shield, and thy reward is very great "(Genesis 15:1). This union then is the perfect vision: "Now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face" (1 Cor 13:12).

Eternal life also is the highest praise, as it says the Prophet: "Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and hymns of praise" (Isaiah 51.3). Still consists in the perfect satisfaction of desire. There will be blessed indeed any more than it wanted and hoped. The reason is that nobody in this world can fully satisfy his desires, nor any created thing is able to address the aspirations of man. Only God can satisfy them even go far beyond, to infinity. For this reason, human desires are satisfied only in God, as Augustine says: "You have made us for yourself, O Lord, our hearts are restless until they rest in you."

The saints in heaven, it follows that God possess perfectly will reach the peak of their desires and their glory will be higher than hoped. For thus saith the Lord: "Get into the joy of your master" (Mt 25:21), and Augustine adds: "All the joy comes in the blessed, but all the blessed enter into the joy. I will when I will fill your glory, and again, "He satisfies your desire for goods." All you can bring happiness, and this is the highest degree. If you are looking for enjoyment, there will be the ultimate and absolute pleasure, because it is the supreme good, of God, "the delights at your right hand" (Ps. 15:11).

Eternal life finally is the joyous fellowship of all saints. It will be a communion of spirits, very delicious, because everyone will have all the assets of all the other blessed. Everyone love the other as himself, and therefore will have the good of others as their own.

So the joy of one is greater, the greater the joy of all the other blessed.

Conferences on the Creed, Opuscula theologica 2, Torino 1954, pp. 216-217

Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274), saint, a Dominican priest, theologian and philosopher


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