Saturday, December 4, 2010

How Much To Remove A Cyst On A Dog

The Creed of Christian maturity

Profession of faith for young

I in this age of my life, so precious and so hard, wanting to take a trip

towards the full realization of myself, convinced
I can not live without believing in something,
aware of what I, free in my decisions,
eagerly and joyfully choose to believe in these values:

I think humans in its rights and duties.
I believe in human values,
I feel rooted in the best
and deeper of myself.
I think in reflection and contemplation,
in truth and sincerity,
in freedom and responsibility, justice,
in the goodness of every man, in friendship to love,
equality and fraternity of all men
and all peoples,
without distinction of race or nation,
social position or religion, of age or sex.

I believe in peace for which I am committed to working with all my strength.
I do not believe in war and violence, but I do not believe
just words and useless discussions,
in the comfortable excuses and accusations of the other sterile.
do not believe in laziness, fear and drugs, but I believe in the commitment made
of courage and action,
of self-control and loyalty, creativity and hope.

I believe in Christ and his Gospel
I think I can find in the Gospel
highest human values \u200b\u200band the response to larger questions of life.
I believe that Christ is the new man,
and that I will become more
man as much as I strive to be like Him
I believe that Christ is the Savior and Deliverer,
that man will always need.
do not believe in those who pretend to solve the most radical

problems of life without Christ or against Him
I am convinced that my life and that of the world,
outside of Christ, is hopeless.
I think, on his word, that Christ is the Son of God
and, through him, I believe in God the Father Almighty
that love created the heavens and the earth, who so loved the world

to give the world his only begotten Son, that
and continues to lead the story with his Spirit of Love.

I believe in the Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ
Sister, and my mother and model of the Church.
To her, the new woman, I want to look
also to build my ideal of femininity.
to her increasingly work with the utmost confidence and trust.

I believe in the Church, the Body of Christ
he founded as a communion of salvation, because

all those who choose to live according to the Gospel,
find in it a support to their faith and help to build
in world the Kingdom of God I believe in the value
of community life.
I believe that Christ lives in me and my brother in every man,
especially the poor and suffering.

I believe in the specific mission of the ministerial priesthood of the Church.

I believe in my place in the Church and the world
I do not know clearly what will be
but I know that the Lord has for me a drawing,
port that's in my person,
and even now I commitment to gradually discover and follow
generously, freedom of spirit,
convinced that its realization depends
my happiness and that of many brothers.

I believe in love I think we are all called to love.
I think all vocations come together in love.
That's true.
What Christ taught and commanded,
and that is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.
I believe in running through the Cross,
that is not pure sense, but rather attention, respect,
understanding, trust, service, contribution and responsibility.
I think that this love is the greatest force in the world.
I do not believe in hate.
I do not believe in selfishness, in all its manifestations, and then I do not think
pride, nell'avarizia, eroticism for its own sake.
Selfishness is the "sin", the root of all sins,
the cause of all the injustices, the source of many
suffering, the failure of man.
Against it I want to fight with all my energy, without getting tired.
I think we will all be and we are constantly judged on love.
I believe in the beauty and possibilities of married Christian.
I love my dad and my mom.
I believe in a united family, and right now I am committed to seriously prepare,
if this will be my call, to build a stable and happy family.
I believe that marriage offers the only chance of success in love.
In particular, I believe that the Holy Spirit will never cease to stir in
men and women capable of accepting and living, in a spirit of happiness
the charism of consecrated virginity to a greater love.
I believe that marriage and virginity
can and should enrich each of the values \u200b\u200bthat are their own.

I believe in forgiveness in the forgiveness of God and forgiveness of others.
There is no love without capacity for forgiveness.
So I think that God, Love, forgive me always, I
has already forgiven all the sins I will.
And so I, with his grace, I shall endeavor
always to forgive and live in peace with everyone.
I believe that the Church received from Christ the power to forgive sins,
that is to reconcile men with God and one another.

Eucharist in which Christ is present to live forever with us.
To walk beside us,
to be a sign and instrument of our charity,
of our unity, our peace.
will never allow that, because of me, my Sundays are free
of my active participation in the Sacrifice
- Feast of the Eucharistic Christ, through whom
my whole life becomes "offer pleasing to God."

I believe in prayer as a personal encounter with God, friendship,
to express my love and my thanks, to ask
light and see clearly.
ask for strength to walk right in life without wavering.
I believe that every Christian community, from family,
need moments of prayer together.

What I believe in life God has given me a picture of her.
I believe that Christ has redeemed me.
I believe that life is always worth living,
even in its most difficult moments, because I believe in the mysterious fertility

I do not believe in death
I do not believe that death is the end of everything. I do not believe in murder and
as expeditious means to resolve problems.
do not believe in suicide,
in which many young people have the illusion that they can find salvation.
do not believe in all the ways to escape before the appeals of life.
do not believe in those who do not believe in anything
and never take anything seriously.
do not believe in those who say that life is an illusion.
do not believe in anything.

I believe in Christ who says to me
who follows me will not walk in darkness but will have
the light of life (Gv.8, 12)

I believe in my day,
and I want to live each present moment, making the little things,
the fullness of love for God and neighbor.

I believe in my
tomorrow and tomorrow in the Church and the world,
because I know that Christ walks in front of me.

I believe that life is eternal,
because Christ died for me, but has risen to die no more.
I believe that every moment of my life brings upon itself a redundancy eternity.

I believe in a "new heaven and new earth,"
that God has promised and prepared
and that we are called to build together with him I believe in

joie de vivre so
and spend my days in the love of Christ, in service of others.
In all this I mean simply to believe when I tell you

I believe in You, Lord Jesus!

And you increase my faith.


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