Friday, February 19, 2010

What Hairstyle Does De La Ghetto Have

Fantasy or Reality? The Beginning of History

Some of you may think that the story I told you so far is pure fantasy and instead it is simply a different version of real stories about Special Children . Perhaps you've never heard of, but you can cite, for example, the Indigo Children.
But what is an Indigo Child?

A Indigo Child is a creature that has particular and unusual psychological attributes that has a pattern of behavior different from the ones we are accustomed.

These children have an 'extreme sensitivity, are very intuitive and are able to hear what is in our minds and our hearts. They are on planet Earth to help humanity to progress towards the supreme good, to make us understand that there is no diversity or differences and that we are all part of the great I AM. To do this, we all need understanding and tolerance, unconditional love, openness, integrity and sincerity. It 'important to recognize their value and appreciate their skills, learn to value them, but also enable them to live their childhood like any other child. Discriminate against them or treat them as "different" can make their lives complicated and can have serious consequences on the harmonious development of their personality.

The main challenges that will face the Indigo Children are especially linked to their relationships with others. They need a lot of attention and consideration, and they suffer if their vision of life, based primarily on love, is misunderstood or, worse, ridiculed. Some of them can therefore have problems to relate to "normal" children or adults anchored to the old methods. It may well be that these children provided with a great imagination, great intellectual capacity, a strong technological mentality and high moral qualities, but hyperactive and unable to use the linear thinking that we are accustomed to being labeled as suffering from "disorder attention deficit "and are therefore discriminated against.

These high and information is available on many web sites, and there is even a test to identify these individuals Special ( ) ; also many television programs such as Voyager, have dealt with this issue, including in relation to the announced changes that will occur next year in the now 2012.
Information science fiction or reality undervalued by the world?

Another very special person who took care of Special Children was the famous writer James Matthew Barrie, author of Peter Pan .
JM Barrie, told of an island in the middle of Lake Kensington's Garden in London, where no human could land, peopled with fairies and birds were responsible for sending children to their parents, since children were initially birds and as such knew how to fly, and only later were assigned to parents grow .
Peter Pan decided to escape through the window of his room when you fly (as it still believes to be a bird), then finishing on the island in the middle of the lake Kensington's Garden after closing time, on the island, where no human could put down, chatting with the Raven found that Salomon was not really a bird, and was sentenced to stay on the island because he had lost faith in order to fly away, in the form of half-and-half, neither human nor bird and never to grow .

short, literature, theater, cinema, are full of such incredible stories but it's up to us to understand what's real and what belongs to the world of Fantasia.


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