Find time ...
Take time to work is the price of success
Find time to think is the source of strength
Find the time to read is the foundation of knowledge
Take time to play is the secret of youth
Find the time to be nice
is the road to happiness Take time to dream is the path to the stars
Take time to love is the true joy of living
Find the time to be happy is the music of the soul
Old Irish text
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
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Mediterranean diet, the elixir of life
When it comes to healthy eating often refers to the Mediterranean diet. Yet every continent, if not every nation has its own characteristic food and eating habits, how can what you eat in the Mediterranean basin has unique properties so that you can not find in other parts of the world?
When you began to study the causes of atherosclerosis, the inflammatory disease in the long run may lead the attack and stroke, he departed from simple statistical data showing that the Mediterranean countries the incidence was much lower than in northern European countries and the United States. After a series of detailed studies it was clear that this was due to the fact that the Mediterranean diet is characterized by a low fat content with a high intake of antioxidants, substances which, among other things warn cellular aging. But fiber and unsaturated fats with anti-inflammatory properties that have an important role in the prevention of atherosclerosis.
That alone is able to provide a convincing explanation to life higher, but the benefits do not end there, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in animal fats may help lower blood pressure by 8-14 points in favor of the other conditions with reduced mortality.
The most important study to history as the Seven Countries Study "was conducted by the American doctor Ancel Keys, lasted 25 years and as the name suggests involving 7 countries, 3 of the Mediterranean Basin, Greece , Italy, and Yugoslavia as Finland, Holland, Japan and the United States.
Keys finished his work, he decided to spend the last part of his living close to inch a little village in the province of Salerno, who came to the headlines recently for the murder suffered by its Mayor Angelo Vassallo, a righteous man who fought among other things, to recognize its international recognition of the Mediterranean diet. A confirmation of the goodness of the thesis Keys, fully embracing the style of Southern food, making himself a guinea pig lived until 2004 dying at the age of 100 years!
The most important result which is obtained from a mass of data is so great that there is no miracle food that can lengthen the life of others but is a synergy of beneficial effects obtained by consuming the right proportions of vegetable fats (olive oil), carbohydrates (bread and pasta), protein (fish, meat and vegetables), fiber (fruits, vegetables and cereals), but also underestimated foods such as wine, dried fruit, eggs and dairy products. What should be pointed out, however, is that to take advantage of these benefits is not enough to be born in this air geographic area where life expectancy is higher but closely follow the Mediterranean diet.
During the long study by Ancel Keys you took into consideration groups of Italian immigrants settled there in the U.S., for these subjects it was seen that more time spent in the new continent as their mortality approaches that of Americans, simply because they changed their cultural style food adapted to local conditions. And a few days is news that UNESCO has finally acknowledged that the Mediterranean diet, the title of "intangible heritage of humanity", the posthumous victory of a respectable political passionate about his country, murdered for opposing the mal'affare of those who consider it publishes a conquered land.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wood Is The Strongest
obedience school for boys
1. Never to repeat an order
2. Do not give orders impossible
3. Do not let a given order is not executed
4. Not giving orders, shouting or making promises
5. Do not beg the 'obedience
6. Do not give orders using offensive words
7. Do not let the kids know that they are supposedly able to disobey
8. Do not threaten punishments impossible
9. Do not encourage passions, weaknesses and bad habits in exchange for obedience
10. Do not give orders when you know that children can resist what is being asked
11. Do not change the orders given
1. Never to repeat an order
2. Do not give orders impossible
3. Do not let a given order is not executed
4. Not giving orders, shouting or making promises
5. Do not beg the 'obedience
6. Do not give orders using offensive words
7. Do not let the kids know that they are supposedly able to disobey
8. Do not threaten punishments impossible
9. Do not encourage passions, weaknesses and bad habits in exchange for obedience
10. Do not give orders when you know that children can resist what is being asked
11. Do not change the orders given
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Anime Movie Nightmare Campus
In life you should think more to do well, that to feel good!
... the man who is right in this world is a sick man who is on an uncomfortable bed more or less, and sees around him a bed, well outside redone, floors, at: and we figure you should be fine. But if he is able to change, just hath been accommodated in the new begins, pressing, to feel the sting that a bone here, a bump there that the press, we are in cash, at a of, the story of the first. E for this, adds the anonymous, you should think more to do well, that well-being: and so you would also feel better. It pulled a bit 'with winches, and just from six hundred, but at the bottom right. Moreover, he continues, pain and deceit of the quality and strength to those we have recounted, they were not there more good for our people: it was, from that point on, a life of the quietest, the happiest, the most enviable, so that, if I had to tell you, I hate to death.
... the man who is right in this world is a sick man who is on an uncomfortable bed more or less, and sees around him a bed, well outside redone, floors, at: and we figure you should be fine. But if he is able to change, just hath been accommodated in the new begins, pressing, to feel the sting that a bone here, a bump there that the press, we are in cash, at a of, the story of the first. E for this, adds the anonymous, you should think more to do well, that well-being: and so you would also feel better. It pulled a bit 'with winches, and just from six hundred, but at the bottom right. Moreover, he continues, pain and deceit of the quality and strength to those we have recounted, they were not there more good for our people: it was, from that point on, a life of the quietest, the happiest, the most enviable, so that, if I had to tell you, I hate to death.
The Betrothed, chap. XXXVIII (epilogue)
Alessandro Manzoni, writer, poet and playwright Italian Sunday, October 24, 2010
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... I made you!
Faced with the spectacle of a baby crying, numb with cold and hunger, a man cried out one day in his heart to God: "O God, Where Art Thou? Why not do something for that innocent child? "
And God said," Of course I did something for her: I made you! "
Faced with the spectacle of a baby crying, numb with cold and hunger, a man cried out one day in his heart to God: "O God, Where Art Thou? Why not do something for that innocent child? "
And God said," Of course I did something for her: I made you! "
Friday, October 22, 2010
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God reciprocates with infinite tenderness
Caffarel The Abbe, in one of his books on prayer, gives this testimony. A father had a nine year old girl who was a baby, named Monique.
It read: "Dad, I ask for forgiveness, because I lied, it is not true that the lesson was ready. I beg your pardon for having done so, and I will never do anymore. I am very sad, I would rather tell the truth, but I will not say now many things not to hurt you. Wake me if you want to talk about whole thing. Good night, Dad. Monique. "
Dad, after you have read, erase the blackboard and wrote his answer, thus: "My little dear Monique,
I love you so, because I've written to ask forgiveness. I forgive you with great joy and very happy, because I realized that I ask forgiveness for loving me. Certainly it is not nice to tell lies, but as you confess and ask forgiveness from me, everything is erased as if I had not done. And know that every time you have given me a custodial sentence and I ask forgiveness, I forgive you always, even if it happened many times. The good Lord does so with us, because He loves us.
I wrote this letter, that you find it as soon as you wake up and know right away that I have forgiven you. I love you so much, my little Monique. Continues to make great efforts to be good. I embrace you with all my
forces. Daddy. "
This charming picture of family life show us how the sacrament of forgiveness and the joy of God, because it is also our joy. But we must understand it well.
We throw ourselves into the arms of God and confess our sins, for one reason only, because we love God, and God reciprocates with its infinite tenderness. Even if we were very sinful, even if our sins are crimes, God never gets tired of forgiving, because you never tire of loving.
Caffarel The Abbe, in one of his books on prayer, gives this testimony. A father had a nine year old girl who was a baby, named Monique.
One evening my father told her, "Monique, how's your class? Everything is ready for tomorrow? ". "Yes," Monique responds with a little 'hesitation. But it was not true. At eleven
dad used to go quietly into the room of his boys to take a look and see
near the bed of her Monique blackboard with a message written just for him. Monique had done before going to bed. It read: "Dad, I ask for forgiveness, because I lied, it is not true that the lesson was ready. I beg your pardon for having done so, and I will never do anymore. I am very sad, I would rather tell the truth, but I will not say now many things not to hurt you. Wake me if you want to talk about whole thing. Good night, Dad. Monique. "
Dad, after you have read, erase the blackboard and wrote his answer, thus: "My little dear Monique,
I love you so, because I've written to ask forgiveness. I forgive you with great joy and very happy, because I realized that I ask forgiveness for loving me. Certainly it is not nice to tell lies, but as you confess and ask forgiveness from me, everything is erased as if I had not done. And know that every time you have given me a custodial sentence and I ask forgiveness, I forgive you always, even if it happened many times. The good Lord does so with us, because He loves us.
I wrote this letter, that you find it as soon as you wake up and know right away that I have forgiven you. I love you so much, my little Monique. Continues to make great efforts to be good. I embrace you with all my
forces. Daddy. "
This charming picture of family life show us how the sacrament of forgiveness and the joy of God, because it is also our joy. But we must understand it well.
We throw ourselves into the arms of God and confess our sins, for one reason only, because we love God, and God reciprocates with its infinite tenderness. Even if we were very sinful, even if our sins are crimes, God never gets tired of forgiving, because you never tire of loving.
From: "Feast of the Confession pedono", Torino LDC, p. 32 to 33
Andrea Gasparino, Italian Salesian Priest Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Lower Back Hurts And Tired A Lot
Destiny is' scratched traces
The 12 signs indicate the quality of expression.
are the 12 signs of the Zodiac because the man who, the cosmic man, man remains jailed ground of the continuous shooting of a physical body, subject to the dynamic influences of the three Cardinal, Fixed, Mobile
the quaternary elemental Earth Water Fire Air
for each zodiac sign, Abba Light Entity, gives the following
Since the Sun is the manifestation of the spirit part of a continuing story of his career, considering his position in the sign, we can come to understand the rhetoric of the priority program of its origin, the contact to be established, and the evolution that may be granted to achieve.
Every existence has its dimension of development in accordance with its total program.
The first part of life is usually used in the trial of the densest form of the rhythms of approach is therefore mostly fraught with problems inherited annuity or unconsciously.
Every experience in a sense, is comparable to childhood diseases which, as you well know, are not punishment, but simply the opportunity to create the framework necessary for immune adult body healthy.
So, you, meet the continuing belief that mental incarnate.
Separate from the spirit, because of the material that makes you blind, deaf, dumb and heavy, I ordered the punishment that you yourself have just encoded as purification, until the heart is not open to the love of God and the mind does not accept the knowledge of being one with the All perfectly placed to achieve perfection in Him
The Sun in the signs, therefore, is the role of rhetoric which is encoded through the dynamics of that sign.
ARIES comes with life force and claim the right.
program to understand the risks of living may make him lose the concept of life itself.
give tit for tat, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, but do not include turning the other cheek because of ignorance of the self, the ego that imprisons him.
Aries is not bad but instinctively impulsive everything it touches becomes a personal struggle and does not realize the whole. When Aries
understand that life is making love to provocation will be aligned with its evolving program to overcome the other as a complement to ignore its existence.
To do this, Aries will learn to overcome the importance of the ego.
TORO comes and takes care of its space as a suction cup sticks to his plan.
knows only the boundaries of his world and nothing is worth trying to get him to grasp the nuances, because the dark matter that haunts him to prevent him from its reach beyond its own boundaries obsessed individual possession.
Hermitage into a fortress, knows what counts and lets out the first knowledge of the matter which is confined in the small ego.
Taurus must learn to consider that there is still a world beyond the walls, must therefore learn not to fear the stray passer nor the expenditure that will cost you know the concepts.
Gemini is cheerful, lively but included in the multi-variability of the wind without, however, know the transforming power, he loses the ability to shape the form because he does not find the consistency to apply seriously to what might be the hiring manager result.
curious poses energies in the search but is ready to run away with the difficulty of the deepening.
cloud in the air that he is vague in the ether homeless believes in a freedom that surrounded him, in fact, in the emptiness of her because no response.
Why the unhappy feeling of losing himself does not lead to loss of self, Gemini can make use of intelligence and combine it with insightful knowledge of the wind that tells the story of the times and uses it to shape the mountains.
CANCER wrapped in his protective shell-condemnation, is not inclined to notice that there is something other than the motions of the ocean tides of his staff.
He is frightened by the outside world but the continual demand for attention forces him to know how much more frightening: the other forms of reality.
Because of the nature involved in the flow but with roots in the unconscious need to find a reservoir capable of holding it, move his disorderly element forced to adapt to what they can sail in its path and to carry on its way. Here lying in apparent tranquility only when it is placed in something that would bring the amount, then it can grow in height without losing its capacity for transformation.
is that knowing its place, its purpose, its form allows the element of Water in the transmutation of energy substance of sacrifice and unconditional love, but, if it allows the wind to waves or ripples in the fire to bring it to boil, known the fear of losing their identity in the steam will escape or overflow from the threshold. Only if you rely on kinetic properties of the encounter with the other elements, Cancer, will find its completeness.
The courage to give himself to the life she puts it in line with its purpose and giving of love.
LEONE: where there is sun, there is no life.
Sun in Leo is the life that manifests itself in his life.
seems clear that giving importance to the boundary through its social image has an innate tendency to all born under this sun.
He gives everything to the social image that he considers the highest in its context.
He does not know that life is also internalize feelings.
Think and move in large, claims and demands in great and everything belongs to him except himself.
Until seize its existence in its being shown proudly Leone will be more rewarding to an external image and does not grant to the greatest law of all life that simply exists and is in full: be unity with the divine life.
encrypted with the pompous social image, as you will find its true form?
Leone will have to learn to question what they believe blindly and enjoy, rather, to flow in harmony with what is'.
VIRGO: small, modest, placed the order, he loses his free will and does not accept direct responsibility.
No matter what may, the rules provide axioms Comfortable and make everything uniform live. Here
Virgin adapts to the gray of continuity in the central repetitive quality of its cognitive exercises and selective technique as if everything had to be in series with what is, 'without realizing, however, that it is just one of many forms of its manifestation. So it serves continuously
idea but lets out the idea itself.
service is its mission, the idea of \u200b\u200bhis task, choose his punishment consciously choose to serve his address to the Idea of \u200b\u200bevolution.
For this task, Virgo, you have one of the most powerful qualities: humility
SCALE: I do what is right, but it will be right?
How perfect can be the justice of human law if the question of duality rule? Every coin has two sides, each reverse a law which may be a flip side: where is the truth?
balance now hangs on one side and then the other and does not realize that the right way is the equanimity and peace dwells in silence the unit.
The unit itself is the only truth.
The unit is the only law. The route of the only half way.
long as we rely on human law of duality will not honor the divine law of unity.
The task of reaching out to others is his destiny, the confusion of choosing his conviction, the meeting point of the dual face of a complementary unit on his path.
Then it is only peace and harmony between shapes and sounds and colors.
in Scorpio
"Seize the purpose of purification, or ego-Scorpion conditional. - Suggeriscei
Abba-Take the power of the energy that lies deep within you. Take
transforming properties.
Rebuild your ambition and make it conscious search for God in everyone and every vengeance lose meaning, knowledge will become all pride, all become resentful cruelty ability to heal yourself and others in the conviction of the centrality of any apparent stagnation.
You are the coal becomes diamond, do not allow your ego to destroy the mine to make a purulent discharge of garbage. What
wheel (the unfolding of life) in Serbia has for you is much brighter than the surface crusting its core.
Diamond was born in the depths of the earth allows you to bring to the surface. "
SAGITTARIUS: Play, running, adventure and rejoice in every victory.
knows no boundaries that can limit it because he is part of the law of nature that extends beyond the limits of the matter in light certainty.
Smile, Sagittarius, you can fly high only if you realize that God is in you as in all things you encounter in your cross borders. Ask
higher consciousness in the daily task, and nothing ever will restrict your space, but be careful because everything that exists in your area may contain a phenomenal counterpart: trained to understand their content. The
sprovvedutezza is your conviction, your ingenuity disease.
The searing wounds that you can get your tomorrow today are the means to grasp the medicated balm of loosening, a valuable travel companion adventures in distant but accessible. Ride the spectrum
genuine missionary in harmony with the higher laws of your father and me and her and everyone and all the creatures that created the large stretches boundless over, under, around and within you.
This is your mission: to defuse the form and bring a smile that breaks down the borders.
CAPRICORN is attached to the substance of his worldly ambitions.
fiercely crystallized in his power, in anticipation, perhaps, a recovery of what he lacks in ability to express his feelings, in positions of prominence in society and family but is in last place in the heart of himself because his Continuous cold oppression of others.
Capricorn must learn that the roads leading to the construction need not eliminate anyone.
must experience the knowledge of the effort and take responsibility for the building.
will have to learn to give equal opportunities to others who understand the realities are not just beliefs objectivity in shape but, more realistically, real personal needs.
Each has its own expression and the material expression is only a small part of a broader reality. When Capricorn
grant wider margin of tolerance will have begun to tune into his evolutionary program: to build the core of the company of human small universe continues its expansion in the macro cosmos of which he is the link to the border.
Here is the understanding of the human small cross as a base and the conjunction of the earthly man going up to the knowledge of God.
AQUARIA: how to know it is clear that the severity of winter is just a situation of transit to the heat of summer is also clear that summer is a season of transit to the winter. Becoming
, this is the concept.
Expansion and contraction are the two different phases of a single breath, Aquarius knows this and this conforms to the technical evolution of the rhythm of the universe.
takes the opportunity of transit from one dimension to another in a spirit of looking to the future, mindful of the past, coupled to the present.
This is freedom to exist in space and time, they should take the opportunity here and now.
bridge between past and present, is now acting, knowing and feeling that everything is in flux.
The sentence that the defendant is common in his time: the severity of the winter stillness opposed, antagonistic and complementary to the fixity of the hot summer sun.
The success lies in the choice of staying in the middle as between inhalation and exhalation is the point of conversion of both premises.
FISH: We are at the end of the wheel of the above new beginning.
The past must be sacrificed on the cross again.
Death of the established order, the resurrection of the divine order.
Where is the line between sacrifice and betrayal of the self of the ego?
Pisces is confused and frightened by the chaos on the subject of immateriality.
would like to rearrange these ideas but in escaping the turmoil of his emotional turbulence. Run away, rebels and cries; dream worlds on the edge of reality and the unreal is lost: vanishing refuge of his imagination. How
Fish tries to find out, and does not know is that the concept of self contained tangled in the field is the unknown reference to the magical bridge that leads to the divine sense of self, the mystic goal appearances on the reality of the unreal.
The matter is his conviction, the immaterial his confusion, his divine purpose.
Pisces can sacrifice himself for eternity and get lost in this conflict, but only when humiliating welcome the divine will include the magic of existence.
Then, begin to pick up his mind wandering from the elements of unnecessary emotions, and emotional openness will offer an oblation to you, openly joined to us in the ocean of infinite existence.
Destiny is' scratched traces
The 12 signs indicate the quality of expression.
are the 12 signs of the Zodiac because the man who, the cosmic man, man remains jailed ground of the continuous shooting of a physical body, subject to the dynamic influences of the three Cardinal, Fixed, Mobile
the quaternary elemental Earth Water Fire Air
for each zodiac sign, Abba Light Entity, gives the following
Since the Sun is the manifestation of the spirit part of a continuing story of his career, considering his position in the sign, we can come to understand the rhetoric of the priority program of its origin, the contact to be established, and the evolution that may be granted to achieve.
Every existence has its dimension of development in accordance with its total program.
The first part of life is usually used in the trial of the densest form of the rhythms of approach is therefore mostly fraught with problems inherited annuity or unconsciously.
Every experience in a sense, is comparable to childhood diseases which, as you well know, are not punishment, but simply the opportunity to create the framework necessary for immune adult body healthy.
So, you, meet the continuing belief that mental incarnate.
Separate from the spirit, because of the material that makes you blind, deaf, dumb and heavy, I ordered the punishment that you yourself have just encoded as purification, until the heart is not open to the love of God and the mind does not accept the knowledge of being one with the All perfectly placed to achieve perfection in Him
The Sun in the signs, therefore, is the role of rhetoric which is encoded through the dynamics of that sign.
ARIES comes with life force and claim the right.
program to understand the risks of living may make him lose the concept of life itself.
give tit for tat, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, but do not include turning the other cheek because of ignorance of the self, the ego that imprisons him.
Aries is not bad but instinctively impulsive everything it touches becomes a personal struggle and does not realize the whole. When Aries
understand that life is making love to provocation will be aligned with its evolving program to overcome the other as a complement to ignore its existence.
To do this, Aries will learn to overcome the importance of the ego.
TORO comes and takes care of its space as a suction cup sticks to his plan.
knows only the boundaries of his world and nothing is worth trying to get him to grasp the nuances, because the dark matter that haunts him to prevent him from its reach beyond its own boundaries obsessed individual possession.
Hermitage into a fortress, knows what counts and lets out the first knowledge of the matter which is confined in the small ego.
Taurus must learn to consider that there is still a world beyond the walls, must therefore learn not to fear the stray passer nor the expenditure that will cost you know the concepts.
Gemini is cheerful, lively but included in the multi-variability of the wind without, however, know the transforming power, he loses the ability to shape the form because he does not find the consistency to apply seriously to what might be the hiring manager result.
curious poses energies in the search but is ready to run away with the difficulty of the deepening.
cloud in the air that he is vague in the ether homeless believes in a freedom that surrounded him, in fact, in the emptiness of her because no response.
Why the unhappy feeling of losing himself does not lead to loss of self, Gemini can make use of intelligence and combine it with insightful knowledge of the wind that tells the story of the times and uses it to shape the mountains.
CANCER wrapped in his protective shell-condemnation, is not inclined to notice that there is something other than the motions of the ocean tides of his staff.
He is frightened by the outside world but the continual demand for attention forces him to know how much more frightening: the other forms of reality.
Because of the nature involved in the flow but with roots in the unconscious need to find a reservoir capable of holding it, move his disorderly element forced to adapt to what they can sail in its path and to carry on its way. Here lying in apparent tranquility only when it is placed in something that would bring the amount, then it can grow in height without losing its capacity for transformation.
is that knowing its place, its purpose, its form allows the element of Water in the transmutation of energy substance of sacrifice and unconditional love, but, if it allows the wind to waves or ripples in the fire to bring it to boil, known the fear of losing their identity in the steam will escape or overflow from the threshold. Only if you rely on kinetic properties of the encounter with the other elements, Cancer, will find its completeness.
The courage to give himself to the life she puts it in line with its purpose and giving of love.
LEONE: where there is sun, there is no life.
Sun in Leo is the life that manifests itself in his life.
seems clear that giving importance to the boundary through its social image has an innate tendency to all born under this sun.
He gives everything to the social image that he considers the highest in its context.
He does not know that life is also internalize feelings.
Think and move in large, claims and demands in great and everything belongs to him except himself.
Until seize its existence in its being shown proudly Leone will be more rewarding to an external image and does not grant to the greatest law of all life that simply exists and is in full: be unity with the divine life.
encrypted with the pompous social image, as you will find its true form?
Leone will have to learn to question what they believe blindly and enjoy, rather, to flow in harmony with what is'.
VIRGO: small, modest, placed the order, he loses his free will and does not accept direct responsibility.
No matter what may, the rules provide axioms Comfortable and make everything uniform live. Here
Virgin adapts to the gray of continuity in the central repetitive quality of its cognitive exercises and selective technique as if everything had to be in series with what is, 'without realizing, however, that it is just one of many forms of its manifestation. So it serves continuously
idea but lets out the idea itself.
service is its mission, the idea of \u200b\u200bhis task, choose his punishment consciously choose to serve his address to the Idea of \u200b\u200bevolution.
For this task, Virgo, you have one of the most powerful qualities: humility
SCALE: I do what is right, but it will be right?
How perfect can be the justice of human law if the question of duality rule? Every coin has two sides, each reverse a law which may be a flip side: where is the truth?
balance now hangs on one side and then the other and does not realize that the right way is the equanimity and peace dwells in silence the unit.
The unit itself is the only truth.
The unit is the only law. The route of the only half way.
long as we rely on human law of duality will not honor the divine law of unity.
The task of reaching out to others is his destiny, the confusion of choosing his conviction, the meeting point of the dual face of a complementary unit on his path.
Then it is only peace and harmony between shapes and sounds and colors.
in Scorpio
"Seize the purpose of purification, or ego-Scorpion conditional. - Suggeriscei
Abba-Take the power of the energy that lies deep within you. Take
transforming properties.
Rebuild your ambition and make it conscious search for God in everyone and every vengeance lose meaning, knowledge will become all pride, all become resentful cruelty ability to heal yourself and others in the conviction of the centrality of any apparent stagnation.
You are the coal becomes diamond, do not allow your ego to destroy the mine to make a purulent discharge of garbage. What
wheel (the unfolding of life) in Serbia has for you is much brighter than the surface crusting its core.
Diamond was born in the depths of the earth allows you to bring to the surface. "
SAGITTARIUS: Play, running, adventure and rejoice in every victory.
knows no boundaries that can limit it because he is part of the law of nature that extends beyond the limits of the matter in light certainty.
Smile, Sagittarius, you can fly high only if you realize that God is in you as in all things you encounter in your cross borders. Ask
higher consciousness in the daily task, and nothing ever will restrict your space, but be careful because everything that exists in your area may contain a phenomenal counterpart: trained to understand their content. The
sprovvedutezza is your conviction, your ingenuity disease.
The searing wounds that you can get your tomorrow today are the means to grasp the medicated balm of loosening, a valuable travel companion adventures in distant but accessible. Ride the spectrum
genuine missionary in harmony with the higher laws of your father and me and her and everyone and all the creatures that created the large stretches boundless over, under, around and within you.
This is your mission: to defuse the form and bring a smile that breaks down the borders.
CAPRICORN is attached to the substance of his worldly ambitions.
fiercely crystallized in his power, in anticipation, perhaps, a recovery of what he lacks in ability to express his feelings, in positions of prominence in society and family but is in last place in the heart of himself because his Continuous cold oppression of others.
Capricorn must learn that the roads leading to the construction need not eliminate anyone.
must experience the knowledge of the effort and take responsibility for the building.
will have to learn to give equal opportunities to others who understand the realities are not just beliefs objectivity in shape but, more realistically, real personal needs.
Each has its own expression and the material expression is only a small part of a broader reality. When Capricorn
grant wider margin of tolerance will have begun to tune into his evolutionary program: to build the core of the company of human small universe continues its expansion in the macro cosmos of which he is the link to the border.
Here is the understanding of the human small cross as a base and the conjunction of the earthly man going up to the knowledge of God.
AQUARIA: how to know it is clear that the severity of winter is just a situation of transit to the heat of summer is also clear that summer is a season of transit to the winter. Becoming
, this is the concept.
Expansion and contraction are the two different phases of a single breath, Aquarius knows this and this conforms to the technical evolution of the rhythm of the universe.
takes the opportunity of transit from one dimension to another in a spirit of looking to the future, mindful of the past, coupled to the present.
This is freedom to exist in space and time, they should take the opportunity here and now.
bridge between past and present, is now acting, knowing and feeling that everything is in flux.
The sentence that the defendant is common in his time: the severity of the winter stillness opposed, antagonistic and complementary to the fixity of the hot summer sun.
The success lies in the choice of staying in the middle as between inhalation and exhalation is the point of conversion of both premises.
FISH: We are at the end of the wheel of the above new beginning.
The past must be sacrificed on the cross again.
Death of the established order, the resurrection of the divine order.
Where is the line between sacrifice and betrayal of the self of the ego?
Pisces is confused and frightened by the chaos on the subject of immateriality.
would like to rearrange these ideas but in escaping the turmoil of his emotional turbulence. Run away, rebels and cries; dream worlds on the edge of reality and the unreal is lost: vanishing refuge of his imagination. How
Fish tries to find out, and does not know is that the concept of self contained tangled in the field is the unknown reference to the magical bridge that leads to the divine sense of self, the mystic goal appearances on the reality of the unreal.
The matter is his conviction, the immaterial his confusion, his divine purpose.
Pisces can sacrifice himself for eternity and get lost in this conflict, but only when humiliating welcome the divine will include the magic of existence.
Then, begin to pick up his mind wandering from the elements of unnecessary emotions, and emotional openness will offer an oblation to you, openly joined to us in the ocean of infinite existence.
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