Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Paty Monterola Encuerada


Every being is steeped in history and each new story is the sum, or rather, the result of the stories that preceded it. When times are
the right ones, for the continuity of history that date, the spirit is preparing for the resumption of a body to the soul that can handle the learning experiences necessary for its evolution and extent can finally return to its true origin.

Transmigrate ASTRAL. The Luminous Entity
Abba says: - "The entity that is in you, before you take your body, he traveled and stayed in other physical and nonphysical planes, different from what you know now. When the current
also your body will be left, the entity, enriched by the experience ended your last physical life, will access the plan is the sum of your Total experience, to refine the understanding of his condition.
Continuous mental traps in the web of the vibrational frequency of that size, will take the place of his mental convictions where lies the memory of its original habits that will perpetuate the same from incarnation to incarnation until an act of awareness will lead autoderminata consciousness to the next dimension.
worlds are parallel to your many and very popular here and you experience any disembodied arrive until the right time for his back in a body.
So if you believe in eternal sleep in that place dormitory stationed until you are called to new life, and if believe in hell you will find yourself in the flames until a new non-physical experience will immerse you in your code produced by the hellish experience of atonement.
If you believe in the compassion of God, any God honors your heart that God will offer His compassion and so on.
was after he had returned in a new natural history, however, went from being repetitive forms of your mind constantly kept the same vibrational frequencies that preceded the new story and each cell retains the memory permeating molecules and atoms of those memories.
Each of these memories is a hidden matrix of the framework that year after year staff will guide each stroke of your current.
These memories are manifested in the daily anguish of every one of you.
Although not consciously remember your origin, your attitude speaks of each of the last living soul in that your continued and resulted in perpetual vibration, while the goal of every birth is what is in carrying out the program to break free from coercive codes .
When you take a new physical body in this area phenomenal start to forget the purpose for which you have come back but at the same time attracted and continues to project the expertise necessary to its understanding.
So, it happens that the task of many conflicts is precisely to break with old patterns. Conflicts are the challenges through which many barriers, beyond which new territories are waiting, they can be overcome, "The most difficult tasks are given to students better"

I state that before entering the body shape as you approach the embryo constantly supervised and what will become the vehicle of the new experience. With the egg that is fertilized take the opportunity to channel the phenomenal details of your program and the possibility of its testing program in alignment with those who draw their current.
Depending on the level of consciousness in the phenomenal world on which you are attracted to the new story. If you knew the exact date of the earthly Your physical conception, you may apply a sky map with the same characteristics as that of the exact time of your exit the womb.
So it's useless if you complain of the code corresponding to your luck or bad luck. Evidence that attracted to your world are nothing more than what you understood the need to stay in the stadium on the plans of other experiences before finally taking the actual physical body.

From the point of view of astrology, the Sun is the manifestation of the spirit part of a continuing story of her career.
Considering his position in the sign, we can come to understand the rhetoric of the priority program of its origin, the contacts to be established, and the evolution that will deservedly win. Every existence has its dimension of development in accordance with its overall program.
The first part of life is normally used for vibration testing of the form, the frequency of learning is dictated by the rhythms of approach-and adaptation is, therefore, for the most fraught with problems because it is so inherited or annuities, you met the beliefs of the memories of continuous mental incarnate.
Separate from the spirit, because of the material that makes you blind, deaf, dumb and heavy, you sentenced yourselves to punishments that you just encoded as purification, until an input of RI-awake consciousness resonates with Bright and transmutation will not start. So then began the research and understanding of the causal order.

CAUSE THE END is the set of statements leading to an embodiment. A
etheric DNA load of information, the nature of the living, bio-karma can not manage the desires of the mind as directed by the stimulus of development of the spirit which, prior to entry into the ovule fertilized by sperm, determines the genetic history through the DNA of those dates earthly descent, inherited from its ancestors relatives of both parents, including hereditary qualities of the Food Chain and determine the continuity of
every emotional state that back in full form of another body but with the same continuous mental and preserves every memory, every code enforcement until the entity becomes self-referential, is free of old patterns returning, ages in a row, only to perfect the land side of the experience of God as it was intended at the beginning of time.


When humanity as a whole is losing sight of the Great Cosmic Universal Project "back home", then "return" on the earth's avatar.
Avatar is not the end modern today as it is used to define certain specific subjects, but a virtual quality, inl Sanskrit, which means a divine incarnation, from age to age, re-manifested on earth and takes human form to spread humanity and guide spiritual evolution of the time. Periodically
also reincarnate in mass also the facilitators of the project transepocali dell'Avatara which are not only a corollary of the divine coming back down and follow her to continue the effect, but also anticipate to prepare for the coming year.
from age to age, in fact, when the winds of historical change are beginning to rise, these "Updating subtle vibrational frequencies "are to create disturbances in the stillness of the structures of collective patterns of thought that any influence reptilian dark memories of the previous measure, can be converted into more subtle and vibrational frequency of consciousness can be spread as a resonator-awake RI imput of those Bright minds ready to return to work.

These precursors which include a physical body, especially at the dawn of the new eons, especially in anticipation of a change in size, are called SURYANAYANASHASHI The sun-eyed children of Surya
Children, pregnant with the vibrations of the Central Sun In this millennium, are intended to do, not only by the sound box of the accused all'autoluminosità radiant awakening, but also as shock absorbers and redistributors of the new wave of powerful energy that reaches the earth around the time when the 12.21.2012 will be center-aligned of the galaxy.

At that time it will be as if a cosmic portal opens on our planet and through the effects of the Power of Light sonorities emanating from Helios, the central sun, threw all consciousness to quantum leap.
"- If you fail the purpose Abba-says-not to be lifted but against Elio Elio will be thrown in the sense that materializes a backwash of influence reptilian

Their role is to break the dull echo reptilian and create a dimensional shift coscienzialuminoso.
are to restore the power of the way, the absence of duality, their task is to facilitate the passage size to accomplish what you need going into the reptilian consciousness to integrate "domesticated" in the new program and allow it to absorb the light.
This power is originating from the vibration came to us as bright sonority.
"- The bright pioneers of the Almighty, who have a beautiful sunrise and precursors of many luminous" Sri Aurobindo called them while they "saw" breaking down barriers destinies born from fear and walk into the world to change suffering into joy and bring light to our planet "-

These sun-eyed children have in them the power to break the trend and are impediments to the empowerment reptilian coscienzialuminosa can make itself accessible to the broadest number of resonant.