SO HAM: CODE Omniscient SO HAM: CODE Omniscient
"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God ..." The Word, the vibration, the sound was suono.Il God, the vibration was God unequivocally inhale and exhale is vital but it is much more than just a mechanism involontario.Il breath speaks us constantly speaks of our peace, our sorrows, joys sudden or dramatic shok.Respiri regular, short and frantic, hurried, deep, slow or whispered about us outside what we are expressing at that moment. The breath is our natural sound, the channel of expression inside-out. E 'tool of mind-body connection and spirito.Inoltre, as blood is life blood of our physical body, the breath is the sap that feeds the vibrational bodies sottile.E anatomy, breathing, aware, is a bridge fundamental micro cosmos with the macrocosm, between individual consciousness and cosmic consciousness: between man and God know better Conscious breathing is necessary to immerse yourself in the sound of breath and listen to his mantra. If you listen to him with the physical ears can hear a hissing sound, more or less strong, more or less intense depending on the circumstances, but when we listen with the ear of our subtle bodies, we feel that constantly reminds us of our true Origin and, breathing, aware that knowledge is returned to us. So every time we inhale every time you exhale Ham SO HAM is the mantra of our breath. "The mantra - writes HP Blavatsky (1831-1891) foundress of the Theosophical Society-all are taken from special books kept secret by the priests. It is said that each work a magic effect, because in him who reads them with a simple voice, or listen to them, produce a causal secret that translates into immediate effect. "- In fact, in the sound-mantra there is a direct Theosophical Wisdom is rooted in memories akashiche.In Indeed, their frequency is recorded in the annals of the Akash from the time when the Word was the sound, vibration, and the Word was with God and the Word was God Akash is comparable to a film on which there is impressed all experience, all knowledge and know-memory cosmo.L 'Akasha, each memory box is a treasure chest of each code, each array ancestral, ancestral, divine. The repetition of these ancient sounds of power causes that particular production of hormones in the brain that leads to a state of consciousness sensitive to extrasensory perception. In practicing, the vibrational power of mantras allows, therefore, the rise to states of consciousness very elevati.Il "vibrational movement" that produces the sound nell'aurea staff is to distort the magnetic field that surrounds the practitioner and, as a result of resonance, which does happen in him being granted the tools of his thin bulbs. SO HAM, code of omniscience, the mantra is more powerful and connects us to our essence, the center of the universe and proclaims, with every breath, our true identity: It is the Holy Sono.So Ham Vedic sound heard Rishi by Rishi astrale.I the ear are the sages, seers, those who have achieved the knowledge, those who have "heard" the tradition and passed it through the Vedas. It reads, in the ancient writings that if the wisdom gathered in the body is made aware leads to omniscience. This is the teaching that our mantra-breath telling us about 21.600 times a day: It is. So Ham are God's omniscience is the code expressed in the Breath 'consciousness' of Knowing "the highest knowledge that reveals whether stessa.E' recall for the individual consciousness to recognize the cosmic consciousness and return it to melt in a single package. SO HAM: IT IS = IS GOD. Therefore, the vibrations of the So Ham pierce the veil that separates from its booster conoscenza.Il causes the upward movement of consciousness subtle, raising its frequency, leads to wisdom Akashi, where it absorbs the knowledge of Thaumaturgy power of all power: the power Love. The intent is pure, where the process begins to trasmutazione.Nella transmutation is the change of vibrational conscious individual, being accelerated by a higher frequency, is transferred to the thinnest dimension of cosmic consciousness. When individual consciousness is transformed into cosmic consciousness, miracles happen. The responses are triggered by the initiation of consciousness but applied and intensified by repeated external stimuli: the practical, spiritual exercises, the honors. The repeated practice of honor and the instrument for carrying out the process trasmutazione.Per get the best result, our intelligence Bright exploits, in all honor, memories vibrational dall'Akasha taken. "Nevertheless, says ABBA-gestures and rituals are not only the form that you'll never be confused with the substance .- initiations and rituals are only temporary measures Gestures and rituals are temporary measures, and can be compared to fat, anointing the various gears allows the operation of the entire mechanism. Are no exercises and rituals that lead to the Deity, However, they serve to overcome the mental conditioning and go beyond what we think we can sapere.Questo, who began the search for God, to neutralize the mind focused at a concrete point of reference until the individual consciousness ascends to union with the Cosmic Universal. If the realization of the matrix is \u200b\u200bessential for the ultimate realization. As the practitioner raises the awareness of his eighth over, leave it automatically becomes a ritual.