Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Could Heavier Implantation Bleeding Be Twins

Italy Italy yesterday ... today

What I'm about to quote an uplifting (so to speak) excerpt from an article published in 1952 on "Public Order", fortnightly magazine reserved for agents and former agents of Public Security Guards Corps (as they called the police at the time) to give the public a glimpse at those who do not yet have, what kind of country our grandparents lived.
The topic was homosexuality:

Scelba Minister has done with recent instructions to the police to issue strict rules for it to be made every effort to put a stop to the spread of the sad phenomenon of sex reversal, which, unfortunately, reflected a sinister shadow on social morality. [...] Because homosexuals generally predisposed to crime, pending a statutory provision that gives the possibility of applying stringent measures to curb the spread dell'abbietta habit, you may apply them against the confinement of police in order to isolate them from society. The extent of police is entitled to apply because they are generally reversed idlers, vagabonds, or socially harmful. And, in fact, their state of immorality is therefore always the occasional commission of the crimes. [...] The state of constitutional immorality of homosexuals resist any police intervention. They believe their vice normality and, when asked, while acknowledging the shame of the shameful habit, they can not explain the genesis, stating he is unable to win and be unable to mend. They, sexual abnormality, mate always ethical other abnormalities that lead to serious criminal activity, including excel to avoid a scandal, blackmail, theft, fraud, violence and often murder.

still kept the enlightened journalist

Jealous to the climax, with impaired imaginative capacity, which reaches the fanciful, more prone to absurd inventive, to lie, slander, exuberant and unbridled lust uncontrollable emotion, devoid of inhibitions, of volitività, and moral sense; violence against themselves and against others, we make guilty of often bloody reactions.

Finally, the trip to the legislature and hot tips on how to make a clean sweep of the "inverted"

The reverse should be sent to the islands were forced to work day and night to segregation under the most vigilance to avoid the continuation of their habit. We must react against this degradation, which is detrimental to society, a shame for a civilized nation, challenging the state, which has the duty to legislate to prevent and punish.
The mass of invasive reversed needs to be persecuted to the bitter end and being harassed by all means and in all ways and hit hard with the rigors of the law. Only this way can prevent many crimes due to the ability to commit crimes Of this psychopaths.

(R. Macari, vice War, "Public Order", I, 1952, n.1, p. 3.)

And now, to keep her too long to return to Italy today, I leave you to read this fine article in the Guardian that invites tourists to be careful when visiting Rome because of the risk of suffering serious violent attacks by young people (idiots) related to the environment of the far right. Needless to say who they are. The factions of the usual suspects, escape the sewer sediment that barker in turn picks up and coagulates around a confused mix policy of "machismo, violence and exalted patriotic love.
Words of 1952 is shifting to the facts, but the worst thing is that the article by Macari is much less dangerous than the "examples" that Rome is giving and the impunity that follows them.
homophobic and xenophobic attacks that take place in Rome are a disgrace to all: Do not let these barbarians take over.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Carrot Juice And Hot Sauce

Death is a level?

Death is na'livella . In my modest opinion, it is a true statement only partially. The episodes that I witnessed during my - so far - very short effective life give me proof of the exact opposite. The beautiful poetry of Toto proven correct only in its purely biological side: it is true that it will all become, sooner or later, dust, or at least - in the shorter term - bones.
Excluding the existence of heaven at all. The deceased has its life, meaning and importance from the thoughts of people who are near and far. These are the thoughts (and actions related) that make the difference between death and died.
goes without saying that these results are the differences in wealth and fame, very strong even in this dismal field: the unfortunate death of a child with AIDS in a slum of any country in the Third World does not matter to many or at least passes without a shot hurt on the contrary, the death of the now decrepit John Paul II, though largely predictable, which drew a crowd hysteria of events.
Some deaths are "more equal" then others. And not only. Otherwise unable to explain certain differences in treatment "in death." One could say that, since dead, this difference in treatment is not unjust Li Tang (perhaps this is one of the few positives). However, this kind of injustice is felt all right by the little 'of the living who have some functioning neurons.
It is not a specious question why "some people" are subject to a real processions through the city, news reports and "honor" of the bishop, the police and political authorities, while other unfortunates go away surrounded by the silence of the few who greet them, or worse, go away in solitude, far from home and from the little ones, ignorance and chattering gentucola not even know.

Most people can learn to make unjust and also the end that if anything is for everyone.

Photo credits Isaac Mich án