Saturday, November 28, 2009

Leigh From Xtreme Curve

The more overweight a condition underestimated

Did you know that even a slight overweight in the years maintained an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, cancers of the digestive system, severe metabolic diseases such as diabetes type II with the result of reducing ' life expectancy equal to smoking or a sedentary lifestyle?
Did you know that even at home can check their nutritional status with a simple calculation?
The body mass index or BMI is very indicative because it provides an early indication of how much an individual deviates from the ideal weight, that is statistically the smallest risk of the diseases mentioned.
E 'simply divide your weight in kilograms by the square of height in meters.

For example, if your weight is 74 kg and is 1.70 m high BMI will find her with the simple formula:

BMI = 74 kg (1.7 x 1.7) = 25.61

As shown from the table, for values \u200b\u200bin excess of 35 (severe obesity), life expectancy is also reduced to 20 years!
The nutritionist in contrast to a dietitian is not only the task of prescribing a diet for weight loss but to educate their clients to a healthy diet.
Our body needs a variety of nutrients, carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals in the correct amounts. Generally, a varied diet that is based on foods of the Mediterranean basin is sufficient to give the proper nutrition.
Unfortunately, the food that you buy today is treated with preservatives, additives and stored for a long time before being sold. Especially fruits and vegetables when they arrive on our tables have already lost most of the nutrients. To achieve the sense of satiety also have a tendency to exceed in fats and sugars that accumulate in tissues over time often leading to a more sedentary life, with the result that in the last 10 years the percentage of obese has increased dramatically.
visit from a nutritionist begins with a description of their eating habits followed by those relating to physical activities carried out during the day. Will visit with anthropometric which will be calculated, his lean body mass, fat tissue and its possible accumulation of extracellular fluid (water retention).
With this data, will make its estimated daily caloric need, the correct ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids on the basis of which will be built your custom meal plan that will also take account of food preferences and lifestyle.